E-Verify, the government system that allows employers and designated agents of employers, to compare information on the “Form I-9” to the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration to confirm employment eligibility, is now a requirement for some employers in the state of North Carolina.

- October 1, 2012: Employers with 500 or more employees will be required to use E-Verify for NEW hires.
- January 1, 2013: Employers with 100 or more employers will be required to use E-Verify for NEW hires.
- July 1, 2013: Employers with 25 or more employees will be required to use E-Verify for NEW hires.
At this time, employers who hire seasonal workers for less than 90 days within a 12 month period, and employers with less than 24 employees, are not required to utilize E-Verify.
For quick reference, check out this link from the National Conference of State Legislatures, which breaks down E-Verify requirements by state: http://www.ncsl.org/issues-research/immig/e-verify-faq.aspx#9.
Need help with your E-Verify and Form I-9 compliance? We can help! Contact us at 888-578-8600 or contact@safescreener.com in order to discuss our E-Verify and Form I-9 solutions.